Contribute to the 1net Conversation

1net is hosting an open, global online forum about Internet governance.

The archives for the original mailing list and subsequent mailing list are publicly available for consultation.

The discussion has now evolved into an online discussion forum here on .

Members can track and contribute to the conversation online, over email, and receive updates abut the topics they care about most. Members can continue to contribute to the discussion by signing up for the /1net mailing list as well.

Category Latest New Topics New Posts
The place to discuss the multiple Internet principles, WGIG definition of Internet governance, Tunis Agenda, and so on
2 year
4 year
Discussing all aspects of the decision-making model that the Internet world has innovated
2 year
3 year
For conversations about both ICANN and/or IANA
2 year
2 year
For discussions on and organization around the April 2014 Sao Paulo meeting
2 year
2 year
A catch-all topic for technical topics that don't easily fit into the other categories e.g. rPKI
2 year
2 year
Concerns about abuse of the Internet's infrastructure, NSA/Snowden, DDoS, man-in-the-middle attacks etc
1 year
1 year
Questions, suggestions, concerns or feedback regarding the website and/or online forum
1 year
1 year
Issues about /1net itself such as level of openness, approach, goals, decision-making mechanisms and so on.
1 year
Topics such as spam, child abuse images, intellectual property, copyright, crime
Discussion over ways to help different organizations work together more effectively
For discussions covering new or proposed regulation, legal judgments or disputes, or legal analysis of other topics.